St.Sylvester's College and Kingswood College were the
runners with 18 and 17 points in the men's category. In the women's category Linia BC won the runners up with 11 points while Vidyarathane College, MAS Southern College and St. Anthony's Girls' College with five points each took the third slot.

Only three bouts went the full distance of three rounds while all 17 other bouts in different categories had to be stopped by the Referee. The three bout that went the full distance was in the men's category.
Organizers Amateur Boxing Association that organized the Championship with the hope to promoting Boxing among schools and to give the young Boxers an opportunity of reaching national level. According to the spokesman of the ABA said that with this intention added more school boxers for the championship.
Final Results:
Welter Weight under 69 Kgs
W.A.T.Sanjaya (Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda) beat M.R.M. Nifraz (Zahira Katu) – (RSC-09/01)
Light Weight under 60 Kgs
A.S. Thuduwewatte (Dharmaraja College) beat N.A.S.S. Napagoda (Bandaranayake MV Veyangoda) – (RSC)
Points Table
1. Vidyartha BC- 29 points
2. St. Sylvester's BC – 18 points
3. Kingswood BC – 17 points
4. Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda – 11 points
5. Dharmaraja – 10 points
Best Boxer – A.S. Thuduwewatte (Dharmaraja College)
Best Loser - H.A.D.L. Hettiarachchi (Vidyartha College)
Light Weight under 60 Kgs
W.D.K. Lalani (MAS Southern) beat A.R. Perera (St.Anthony's GS, Panadura) – (RSC-00/00)
Bantam Weight under 57 Kgs
M.L.N. Seuwandi (Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda) beat R.I. Jayarathna (Linia BC) – (RSC-19/10)
Bantam Weight under 54 Kgs
E.A.H.B. Menike (Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda) beat P.G.D.B. Wicramanayake (Pilimathalawa CC) (RSC)
Light Fly Weight under 48 Kgs
N.A.T.H. Jayatissa (Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda) beat H.N.K. Gamage (Vidyaratha College) – (RSC)
Points Table
1. Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda 17 points
2. Linia BC 11 points
3.Vidyaratha MV 05 points
MAS Southern – 05 points
St Anthony's GS, Panadura – 05 points
4. Pilimathalawa CC 04 points
Best Boxer – M.A.T.H. Jayatissa (Bandaranayake MV, Veyangoda)
Best Loser – R.I. Jayarathna (Linia BC)
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